Friday, 20 January 2012

Jumma........and emotions!

Jumma....nay....Jumme ki shaam....tonight in Aurangabad. Jumme ki shaam in Aurangabad and Mumbai are two different but unique experiences. Jumme ki shaam in Aurangabad is an 'experience' by itself! Roaming in old city on my old scooter and becoming nostalgic about all the things aged old....the 52 gates and 52 "puras"........yes! in fact "aged" old city I mean to say ..........that brings tears in my eyes. My life divided between Mumbai and Aurangabad makes me more and more emotional about the old city of Aurangabad and Mumbai too. The city where I really belong to....and the other city I emotionally belong to....I would not name them in any manner either way or in any way..... Because that is very very difficult!!! Almost impossible; I would say!!!

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