Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Mishti Doi of Calcutta

Mishti Doi, for quite some time, in fact,  I mean for years, I was under the impression that it is just sweetened curd. But I must confess, I was wrong! Mishti Doi is something entirely different! Oh! it is an institution by itself! To realize what it is, you must visit one of the authentic and traditional Mishti Shop in Calcutta. It is suckled not only at dinner time but before lunch too! And not in those ugly plastic jars what we use in Maharashtra, but in real earthen Kulhad! ( I prefer to call it Kulhad as it used to be in erstwhile Bengal Presidency, rather than "Bhand" in pure Bengali) I have myself seen many Bong ladies having it directly sucking from the Kulhad or rather "Bhand" just before lunch time at Gariahat in Calcutta! The only regret, I could not click them in my camera for obvious reasons! (Though I was carrying my camera with me at that time) But believe me, the expressions on their faces were just divine! Oh, one of my friend just triggered the recent experience in my mind! Thank you my dear friend.  

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