Since long, I wanted to write various blog posts to share my observations, reading, travel and some times pictures taken by me while travelling through India. I travel a lot for professional work. However, I make it a point to spare a day or two to see the place/town. During last few years, I had the opportunity to travel abroad too. I even lived for six months in the little island country Mauritius on professional assignment. I found that, majority of persons, Indian as well as foreign, with whom I interacted, were unaware of India's history, historical places, landmark events of Indian history, India's culture, it's rich tradition of music and food. Every time, I had in mind to do something about this in my own little way.
The book presented to me by my father in 1972 |
Then I took up the topic of 'Kutubshhahi' and 'Nizamshahi' i.e. history of Hyderabad and Berar. Thereafter I took up history of Rajasthan and then Punjab.
I spent considerable amount of time in studying the history of partition of India, which essentially was about the western part of the sub-continent. I was so mush involved in that study that I landed up learning Punjabi. However, while studying history of partition of India then, I made a mistake, which I now learn, that it is common. I totally neglected the eastern part of the story! The partition of Bengal and creation of east Pakistan which is now known as Bangladesh. I have now corrected my mistake and since last one year or so, started studying history of Bengal and the partition of Bengal. I had brief introduction to Bengal in 1986. I tried to gather material on Bengal's history but could not do so in systematic manner. I did read some stray material on Bengal intermittently. Now I have so much material in hand, which may last for a year or two!
While studying history of all these areas, essentially, the relevant part of history of British empire in India was also covered. I wanted to study the history of British in India in comprehensive and systematic manner but could not do so for various reasons. Now I propose to do it starting with history of Bengal.
I propose to write about history of various parts of India, which I studied, historical places, various cities and villages, Indian culture, Indian food, Indian music and of course my rambles in relation to these topics.